Evaporation/Condensation Kinetics
Derivation of the Kelvin equation, homogeneous nucleation, kinetics of mass transfer between the gas phase and individual particles, and application of the theory in aerosol measurements, specifically the condensation particle counter.
Slides and Lecture Notes
Slide Deck: link
Lecture Notebook: Virtual Volatility Tandem DMAReading
Reading: Hinds, Chapter 13.
⌨ Assignment
What is the growth rate of a droplet of pure water in an environment with 2% supersaturation at ? Neglect the Fuchs effect and droplet heating. Answer: .
To generate a test aerosol, a suspension of polystyrene spheres in water is aerosolized as 20 droplets and dried to a relative humidity of 60%. How much residence time is required after mixing to ensure complete drying of the droplets at ? Answer: .
CC BY-NC 4.0 Markus Petters.