Brownian Motion
Covers Brownian motion, particle diffusion, Stokes-Einstein equation, and thermophoresis. Introduces the impact of Brownian motion on aerosol sampling.
Slides and Lecture Notes
Slide Deck: link
Animation: Brownian motion
Animation: Filtration
Reading: Hinds Chapters 7 and 8.
Problem 1: A particle having diameter is located 5 cm above a surface in the atmosphere (e.g. the ocean). The particle contains -1 charge. Construct a Table that contrasts the following quantities using the units given in row 2:
D | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) |
[μm] | [cm] | [cm] | [cm] | [cm] | [cm | [cm] |
0.01 | ||||||
0.05 | ||||||
0.10 | ||||||
0.50 | ||||||
1.00 | ||||||
10.0 |
Particle mean free path.
Distance traveled due to gravitational setting (t=1 hr).
Stopping distance assuming the particle is settling with terminal settling velocity ().
Average distance traveled due to Brownian motion (=1 hr).
Distance of a sodium chloride particle traveled due to thermophoresis (=1 hr , . This corresponds to a strong temperature gradient between a surface leave and the overlying air in the morning resulting from radiative cooling).
Distance traveled by a particle carrying -1 charge in the electric field of the Earth ( hr). Recall that and . The value of the elementary charge is C. [Note: The electric field strength in the atmosphere near the surface of the earth is about 100 V/m and points downward. One 1 volt/meter [V/m] equals 1 newton/coulomb [N/C]. The E-field is maintained by lightning, which deposit negative charge to the ground.]
You may want to write program routines to compute the quantities, but you may also compute them using pen and paper. If you use a computer, please supply the program code.
Problem 2: The air is still (no turbulence, no mean velocity). Draw a diagram/sketch of the forces, including directions, that is acting on the particle.